The 5 Common Types Of Commercial Direct Mail Products

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When you send commercial direct mail items, you can ship several kinds of products. Each has its strengths, and it's wise to understand them before sending anything. Commercial direct mail services provider can help you ship these 5 types of items.

Response-Required Letter

This is the classic solicitation package. If a charity has ever sent you a fundraising letter, there's a good chance you've seen this sort of appeal. Organizations often send these out to non-members and unestablished customers. The goal is to produce an item that looks like a typical letter on the outside and perhaps has a few indications of its content. Otherwise, it mostly comes off as a standard letter and tries to pique the audience's interest.

The defining feature of this item is its explicit appeal for the recipient to take action. You might want them to join a group, contribute to a cause, or otherwise make some choice. Usually, the recipient should send the item back to affirm their commitment.


At the opposite end of the spectrum, you have commercial direct mail for folks who've opted in. A company might send a newsletter to members of its VIP club to clue them in membership benefits and let them know what's new.

Valued-added propositions are great for newsletters. An accounting office might send an annual newsletter to let clients know about recent changes to tax laws, for example.


Customers often need to see information about products, and catalogs can prompt them to explore new options or check out sales. An auto parts business, for example, might send commercial direct mail products to area repair shops. The catalog may highlight newly stocked brands, everyday tools, and notable discounts.


Sometimes you just need to send a small message. A postcard is a great way to keep it short. For example, a local chamber of commerce might need to remind members about upcoming renewal periods. A postcard can detail the available renewal options and provide contact information so members can quickly re-up. Postcards are unobtrusive and cost-effective, making them great for large campaigns, too.


The self-mailer is something of a letter-like package. Rather than going in an envelope, though, the letter also serves as its envelope. You have to be a little more creative to pack your message on the inside while providing an appealing exterior. However, the self-mailer can reduce costs by eliminating envelopes. Likewise, glossy packaging can make it visually appealing.
